Developers and property managers of multi-unit residential buildings are getting EV ready, installing electrical vehicle charging stations on their properties to meet new building codes and requirements.
If last year’s growth rate continues, it would mean eight of every 10 cars sold by 2030 would be electric. Although electric vehicles are still a small fraction of the North American vehicle market, sales have doubled each year for the past several years in Canada. According to the Pembina Institute, final sales figures for 2016 across Canada will be close to 30,000 vehicles.
Impact on MURB developers, managers and stratas
Getting a Multi-Unit Residential Building electric-vehicle ready means owners, managers and stratas looking to install EV charging stations have a few considerations. Resources like Plug in BC, Plug ‘n Drive and provincial utilities like BC Hydro provide helpful resource information for decision-making.
For B.C. Developers & Stratas: MURB Charging Program applications start March 27, 2017
The Multi Unit Residential Building Charging Program will be accepting a new round of applications beginning March 27, 2017. Funded by the Province of British Columbia, and administered by Fraser Basin Council, this program supports the cost and installation of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), informally known as charging stations, in existing multi unit residential buildings (MURBs). The information provided in this guide outlines the eligibility and application process, and provides further program details.
EV charging station cost recovery for electricity consumption
Occupants may choose to purchase or rent a parking stall with an electrical charging outlet. A key consideration is the cost recovery of electricity. Metering each EV charging station will ensure fair and accurate cost allocation for the energy consumed by each vehicle being charged. When metering for cost recovery, the meter must be revenue grade and approved by Measurement Canada. Click here for more information and a bulletin from Measurement Canada that addresses this issue.
How the charging station meter works
The Electrical Vehicle (EV) charging station for each parking stall is monitored by a Measurement Canada approved QMC smart meter. The meter is located beside the electrical panel that has an individual breaker for each EV receptacle. Each meter is connected to the building network with internet access.
Can you count on your meter?
QMC is a Measurement Canada Accredited Meter Verifier. Measurement Canada meter testing and sealing is required if meters are to be used for revenue purposes. We re-verify the tenant billing systems we have deployed as well as other meter systems. At our Coquitlam and Toronto test labs, we provide Measurement Canada approved meter sealing for our Quadlogic, Triacta, Carlo Gavazzi and Itron lines of meters.
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Solution Overview: Metering for EV Charging Station
Smart Metering for EV Charging Stations
Need help with metering your EV charging station in your multi-unit residential or mixed-use building? Call QMC to discuss the right solution for your property.
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