Integrated Metering Solution

Integrate Stranded Metering Assets

Stranded metering assets refer to installed on-site meters that collect no data or send information to a lost system, leaving their consumption data stranded and isolated. QMC’s integrated metering approach collects all stranded assets and adds them to our cloud-based meter reporting platform for energy management and analysis.

Diagram of how integrated metering can be implemented in all properties

Complete Meter System Integration

QMC’s Integrated Metering Services solves the problem of mixing new and existing equipment. From project conception, completion, to ongoing management of utility services, QMC is prepared and capable to help you with your new or existing project.

image of 4 utility types from QMC

Integrate All Utilities

Our technicians create connection points so all electricity, water, thermal heating and cooling, gas and steam meters on site will integrate and communicate with one metering platform.

Applicable for All Meter Manufacturers

Our integrated metering approach is applicable for all meter manufacturers as the data is fed into our non-proprietary software MeterConnex.

Image of meter manufacturers QMC can integrate with
Image of communications platforms that QMC can integrate with

Applicable for All Communications systems

QMC’s Integrated Metering service can accept all typical communications systems in the market today, ranging from M-Bus, BACnet, LoRaWAN, SigFox, and more. Once metering data is stored in MeterConnex, easily export to your preferred reporting platforms or energy management systems, or export into specific .PDF, .XLS, .CSV files.

Ideal for Billing Purposes

QMC’s Meterconnex™ is our web-based meter reading and data collection platform. MeterConnex is the industry’s only -protocol, multi-utility, vendor agnostic , one-stop tool for submetering service providers, utilities and energy managers. We monitor hundreds of thousands of meter points on a daily basis , from real-time to hourly intervals. MeterConnex can process meter data into standard billing formats for export to 3rd party billing and accounting platforms.

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Integrated Metering is Applicable in These Markets:

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Metering Data Should Be The Least of Your Worries.

Diagram of how integrated metering can be implemented in all properties

Integrated Metering can help your property or site improve your NOI and more. Create benchmarks, consumption reports, key load management and more. QMC offers advanced quality management systems to support your regulatory needs. Tell us what you’re looking for! Let our experts at QMC help to build the right solution for your needs.
