Monitor Electrical Use with EV Charging Station Metering

EV Charging Station Metering

QMC’s EV Charging Metering service allows apartments, malls, business complexes, and more to collect EV charging data based on individual use and send invoices based on consumption. Meter any EV charging station, for any building.

diagram of how EV charging works with QMC's solution

EV charging has quickly become a hot amenity both tenants and customers ask for. However, properly metering and reallocating costs has been a large issue for property managers and building owners. QMC can help.

Our smart meters are Measurement Canada approved and allow properties of any size to collect EV charging data based on individual use. The meters connect to the existing building network and with MeterConnex, property managers and building owners can efficiently allocate costs and send invoices to tenants based on consumption.

image of an EV charger

Individual EV Calculations

After your preferred EV charger is installed, QMC provides support for calculating individual use and invoicing tenants.

Fair & Accurate Cost Allocation

Residents and visitors should pay for their use. Installing EV Charging Metering at your business or property can fairly allocate energy consumption to reduce non-revenue energy use. Our solution is compatible with any consumer-grade or industrial grade EV charger in the market.

image of ev charging infrastructure installed at an institutional property
image of MeterConnex's dashboard

Reporting and Bill on Metering Data

EV charging data is pushed to MeterConnex, our meter data reporting platform on a daily basis. Property managers, energy managers, and accountants are able to easily create reports for tenants or for the entire property to simplify billing processes. Reports include a charger per kWHr, meter fee (if applicable), and PST/GST if required.

EV Station Charging Metering is Applicable in These Markets:

Metering Experts for EV Charging Metering

Gain accurate information on user charging for revenue and non-revenue metering today. Contact us to learn more!
