A Commercial Property Owner’s Guide To Understanding Revenue Metering vs. Check Metering

Image of how a property owner can understand revenue metering versus check metering

With mounting public pressure to curb carbon emissions and rising energy costs, the drive for improved energy efficiency is gaining momentum. To foster sustainable energy management initiatives, commercial submetering plays a pivotal role, serving as a key requirement for various government-backed conservation programs mandated by law in a growing range of Canadian jurisdictions.

In this era of wiser energy consumption, any meter can aid the cause, but it’s vital for commercial property owners and managers to be aware of the difference between revenue metering and check metering.

What is Check Metering?

Devices used exclusively for non-billing purposes, such as load monitoring, energy management, or utility bill reconciliation, fall under the category of check metering. In simpler terms, the measurement readings from such meters do not directly determine electricity or gas charges. Instead, their primary use lies in assisting building managers in gathering valuable data and information, enabling them to make well-informed decisions regarding energy and utility operations within their facilities.

Check metering is any submeter or meter used for non-billing purposes. Check meters are useful for understanding usage over time, but are not calibrated nor certified to bill tenants or residents from the information provided. Check meters are also useful for industrial type properties that need to understand the quantity of flow.

What is Revenue Metering?

On the other hand, revenue metering refers to the utilization of metering devices to measure and establish charges for all utility types, ranging from electricity, water, steam, thermal and gas consumption. This includes sub-metering devices and distribution metering devices deployed in multi-unit buildings to determine individual purchasers’ costs for electricity and gas supply. Essentially, revenue metering empowers property managers to accurately allocate expenses based on each tenant’s utility usage.

Employing revenue metering offers essential data to optimize and validate energy savings. Additionally, it offers vital insights into the condition and usage patterns of specific equipment, enabling monitoring-based commissioning, fault detection, and diagnostics of operational issues, as well as the implementation of control strategies and a seamless integration with the property’s electric grid.

In Canada, Measurement Canada (MC) standards oversees the use of meters used for revenue metering. In all cases, regulatory authorities establish accuracy standards for electricity meters employed for revenue purposes. This means that all revenue meters must undergo calibration, testing, and verification, and if used for revenue generation, they must be appropriately sealed in accordance with current acts and regulations implemented by MC, and the specifications outlined in applicable policies.

Revenue Metering is any meter or submeter calibrated for billing purposes. If you are charging back a tenant or resident for their energy use, you will require a revenue grade submeter or meter.

Where can Revenue Meters be Applied?

Revenue meters have widespread applications in various settings, including residential, industrial, and commercial properties, where a comprehensive breakdown of energy consumption data is essential. Some of these applications include:

  • Rental apartments
  • Commercial and residential complexes
  • Condominiums
  • Shopping centres and malls
  • Office buildings
  • Factories with different divisions that require cost allocation
  • Mobile home parks
  • Mixed-use real estate

Both revenue meters and check meters have their place in adding value to building management practices, with revenue metering being the favourable choice for commercial properties. Regulatory certifications performed by experts in the field provide trust and accuracy and allow owners to accurately measure the true values of utility consumption of the property and its users. Implementing revenue metering solutions enables facilities to maximize on energy savings, optimize equipment usage, and contribute to a greener future.

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