ASHRAE’s New Environmental Standards Continue The Push Towards Net Zero

ASHRAE Standard 228

Standard 228-2023 is ASHRAE’s newest set of environmental standards used to evaluate individual or groups of buildings abilities to meet Net Zero Carbon and Energy standards during building operations. This set of standards was created using previous ASHRAE standards to evaluate the energy and carbon usage on new and existing buildings to determine if they have reached Net Zero standards. With greater measurement tools, buildings and building owners are better able to track and manage their progress towards true net zero buildings.

Maintaining Sustainability

ASHRAE focuses on maintaining sustainability standards within the refrigeration, energy efficiency, building systems and indoor air-quality industries. These standards are put into place so industry professionals can design and install hardware that adheres to the highest of environmental standards. All of ASHRAE’s policies are regularly updated and improved to help companies easily reach Net Zero Energy and Carbon standards.

image of a green building with metering installed

The Future Is Net Zero

In line with zero energy and zero carbon initiatives, installing submetering equipment is another useful tool to accurately track energy usage within individual buildings or portfolios. Industry leading submeters can assist in adhering to ASHRAE standards. Submetering systems are also now required on all new buildings as a part of ASHRAE 90.1-2016 to track hourly usage coming from HVAC systems, lighting and the total energy used within the building. Utilizing meter data management systems can be useful for property managers, energy managers and more to monitoring and reduce energy use by accurately recording data every 15 minutes. Having an ideal metering system in place reduces billing inaccuracies and billing disputes. To learn more, contact QMC Metering Solutions today.

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