Earth Day was a concept created by Senator Gaylord Nelson with help from Denis Hayes in 1969 in the United States, and through time the movement gained international acclaim, with over “1 billion individuals mobilized for action every Earth Day”. The main concept was simple: to drive transformative change for people and planet.
Earth Day is a chance for us all to work together and find potential ways to make the planet and our environment a better place to live, and to work. While dealing with this pandemic, most businesses have enacted work from home policies.
This is a prime opportunity for building owners and property managers to consider repairing, retrofitting or upgrading their commercial properties. With minimal tenants on site, retrofits or upgrades can be completed with less interruptions.
Building owners and property managers should consider repairing, retrofitting or upgrading their commercial properties
For instance, this would be the perfect time to install thermal submeters to measure your building’s HVAC energy consumption as regulations are coming soon from Measurement Canada. Or take this time to improve your EV Charging capabilities by individually metering electrical consumption, reducing non-billable consumption.
Our world may be very different from what it was like 50 years ago, but it doesn’t mean it has to be worse off. Together, we can find sustainable solutions to conserve and save our environment while also being productive.
Want to learn more? Contact us today.
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