ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager scores may drop for your building due to new benchmarking data.

Building owners in the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® program may see big changes to their building score after August 26, 2018. This is because the current benchmarking data uses a baseline from around 2003. Building performances have changed since then, and ENERGY STAR is looking to update metrics to be as up to date as possible, to showcase current market performance.
Why are ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Scores Changing?
ENERGY STAR uses a baseline compiled from the Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) to establish a benchmarking performance numbers for commercial buildings. The current data still uses information from 2003, while the new update will use data from 2012.
How Will My ENERGY STAR Scores Be Affected?
With the exception of school buildings, all commercial buildings, on average, will be negatively affected. This does not mean that all commercial buildings will drop in score, but that on average, there may be some large or small decrease in building score.
Further, historical scores will also be updated, so it may be help to save your historical data. ENERGY STAR has stated that any certifications you previously received will not be overturned because of the updated scores.
It may also help to recertify your building before August 26, 2018, as you will be certified under the old scoring system for another year. This will give you more time to upgrade your existing system with retrofits for your water, electric, thermal, or gas systems. Having an advanced energy management tool like MeterConnex can help with ENERGY STAR reporting as well.
Not enrolled in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager yet? MeterConnex can now directly submit your metering data for you. Contact us today for more information.
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