A news story caught our eye recently, This is How Much Water Canadians Waste, from Global News. We are lucky in Canada to have so much water – one-fifth of the world’s fresh water, in fact. But clearly, as this piece from Global News indicates, Canadians use (and waste) so much water. There are areas of Canada like southern Saskatchewan and southern Ontario where water supplies are threatened. As our changing climate and energy demands put pressure on our water supply, we all need to practice conserving behaviors to protect our most precious asset. Here is the link the Global News piece by online journalist Nicole Mortillaro from October 30, 2016.
It is proven in many studies that consumption of utilities drops if individuals and business consumers can see what they are using and subsequently billed for their use. Water metering and other utility metering is found in commercial, institutional and many multi-residential properties. However, residential water metering lags even though metering has proven to reduce consumption. We know that utility management through submetering helps, whether for sustainability or cost control, because measuring consumption leads to conservation. Our experience providing metering solutions across Canada proves just that. Building developers of multi-residential properties and commercial developers who implement utility management programs can impact conservation and better sustainability results.
It is our view that it makes good business sense that water, like other utilities, be metered. We recognize that water metering for single family homes is a long term project. New build and retro-fit multi-residential properties can be and should be metered for water, like commercial and institutional properties. The transparency that comes from water metering will drive conservation through accountability.
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