Toronto’s Ambitious Net Zero Strategy

image of toronto with net zero initiatives

Toronto may reach net zero by 2040.

As federal mandates look out to the horizon to achieve net zero by 2050, Toronto is poised to reach net zero 10 years earlier. Their Net Zero Strategy focuses on accelerating actions that would reduce community green house gas (GHG) emissions to shift their trajectory from the mandated 2050 goal.

One of the key targets of the Net Zero Strategy, the aptly named Existing Buildings Strategy, targeted towards buildings and homes as they account for 57% of GHG emissions in Toronto.

How Does the Net Zero Existing Buildings Strategy Work?

Image of 9 policies for Toronto to achieve net zero by 2040

Toronto has listed out 9 specific policies the City of Toronto, as well as industry members, must undertake to see the dramatic changes necessary for net zero by 2040:

These actions and policies are necessary to achieve deep emissions reductions as well as fulfill additional benefits to building occupants. Home and building retrofits when done correctly, can help reduce costs for both tenants and owners, improving the return on investments, such as:

  • Better building envelopes that increase tenant comfort and reduce operating costs
  • Enhanced ventilation that improves occupant health
  • Increase resilience in emergency situations with passive survivability built into scope
  • Lower energy costs for both tenant and owners

What are Toronto’s Current Net Zero Programs?

Toronto currently has several existing programs in place to support building owners as they transition to a net zero economy. For more information, explore the initiatives below:

Energy Retrofit Loan Program: Toronto offers financing options for building owners to invest in low-carbon, energy-efficient capital improvements. Click to learn more.

High-Rise Retrofit Improvement Support Program (Hi-RIS): Toronto offers building improvements for residential apartment buildings three storys or higher to improve and reduce their water and electrical consumption through low cost financing.

Green Will Initiative: Ideal for building portfolios, this program will educate portfolio owners to build an internal energy management solution to continuously drive GHG emissions reductions.

Ontario’s Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking (EWRB): Learn about existing reporting and disclosure to help building owners and managers improve their buildings performance for large buildings.

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