The utility submetering industry has seen massive growth in the commercial buildings space, as property managers and developers alike have seen the cost benefits of submetering.
Submetering involves installing meters after the primary utility meter to monitor energy use by individual tenants. You can submeter for all utility types, such as electricity, water, gas, steam or thermal (BTU). Submetering allows property managers, developers, energy managers and tenants to save money by providing accurate usage data for each unit in their building. Here are 5 reasons why you can benefit from submetering.
- Real Time Reporting on Building Systems
Real time reporting gives tenants the ability to see their daily usage rates and find ways that they can reduce consumption. Once a submetering system is installed, tenants are provided access to see their consumption patterns in near real-time. This allows them to be more mindful of their utility use and keeps them accountable for their utility use.
- Reduce Resource Loss
Installing a submetering system helps to reduce utility loss. A submetering system can help property managers and energy managers pinpoint problems such as water leaks or mechanical failures as they occur, reducing non-revenue utility use.
- Improve Building Value
Submetering systems improve a building’s value. A building with a functional system in place can manage their utility consumption more efficiently, and can reduce exposure to peak demand pricing and uncontrolled utility consumption. Owners can improve their net operating income and building value by reducing operational expenses.
- Accurate Billing of Tenants
Submetering allows the building owner or property manager to monitor each individual unit’s utility usage over time. This allows them to accurately bill each tenant separately as opposed to dividing the entire building’s bill amongst all tenants. This can also reduce exposure to bad debt.
- Proven ROI Quickly Over Time
Fair use accountability for all tenants allows increased profit margins for building owners in addition to less stress associated with collections.
With over 25 years in the submetering industry, QMC is uniquely positioned to provide the metering hardware and integrated solutions that can help you achieve your submetering goals. Contact us today.