QMC’s Latest Newsletter


We hope you’ll check out our latest newsletter.  Here are 3 highlights: 

1. Innovative ENCODED WIRELESS WATER METER SOLUTION for multi-tenant buildings.

Benefits for Developers, Property Managers & Tenants:

  1. Gagnez du temps et de l'argent en éliminant le câblage coûteux du compteur au collecteur de données
  2. Le temps de mise en service du système est de 5 % par rapport à un système de compteur à impulsions typique et 100 % précis
  3.  Excellente solution pour les rénovations ou les bâtiments en voie d'achèvement
  4. 100% accurate measurement
  5. For tenants, meter readings on the invoice match the meter register. This is not possible with any other wireless system

2. MeterConnex – new updates

1. The new  Alert function allows users to select threshold limits on meter data to trigger an email alert.

2. Heat Mapping – a simple way to view meter interval data on one report.  Create a monthly or annual heat map to identify usage patterns from hundreds to thousands of intervals on one graph.

3. New Requirements from Measurement Canada

Measurement Canada, through its “GEN-45 Policy for Electricity and Gas Meter Population Reporting” bulletin, now requires all meter owners to provide a list of all their meter devices organized by type and identifying devices which are overdue for mandatory recertification.   QMC can assist clients in creating this initial report and then updating and administering the report on an annual basis.

Read more in QMC’s latest newsletter.

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