For over a century, the Stanley Park Pavilion has been an iconic landmark synonymous with Vancouver. With a property of this age the City of Vancouver needed a submetering solutions company capable of designing a metering system to monitor a spider web of piping and electrical wiring. The challenge of isolating each electrical and water load was a task that could only be completed by a company with the experience of QMC.
QMC delivered a metering solution that accurately tracked each tenants water and electrical usage so the city could start to recoup utility costs. This system has allowed the tenants at the pavilion to identify points of high utility usage inside of their business and address them. This has lead to a steady decrease in utility use across the entire property.
The City of Vancouver was able to digitize tenant billing, recoup utility costs and reduce overall usage, making this project a resounding success. The City was also able to use QMC’s web-based software MeterConnex to seamlessly transfer data directly into their billing process.
“The collaboration with QMC has simplified processes for current and future projects, allowing the City of Vancouver to recover previously lost revenues and streamline billing for new tenants. The ability to rely on QMC for turnkey project implementation has removed a significant burden for the City of Vancouver.”
Craig Edwards P.Eng, MASA, CEM, CPHD (manager|Energy and utitlies|Real Estate and facilities management)
City of Vancouver